Books I’ve Written

You can find my writings on Amazon here:
Amazon Page


Or individual links to my writings:

The Filth of the World*Version*=1&*entries*=0

This book encapsulates some of my thoughts as I struggled through being burned by the church that I was going to, leaving the church buildings and searching for answers to my questions that were both Scripturally and philosophically sound.
(note: this was written about five years ago, and my opinions have changed drastically since then. I submit this knowing that it has its flaws and errors, but also knowing it has much truth.)

Deep Cries Unto Deep

As Deep Cries Unto Deep

In “As Deep Cries Unto Deep”, I examine some of the Hebrew words that are used in the Old Testament in relationship to God’s character and nature. Ultimately, we find that behind God’s creativity, God’s Spirit, God’s glory, and God’s name is a cross. God is willing to endure suffering for the sake of the greater glory to come upon His creation. How exactly are we to understand God’s nature in this sense, and what exactly does it mean for our daily lives and how we ought to live?

The Theocratic Kingdom

The Theocratic Kingdom

In this book I examine the concept of the Kingdom of God from the beginning of the Bible unto the end. We progress from Genesis chapter 1, and the issues of light and darkness, to come unto the representations of God’s Kingdom and Satan’s kingdom (Israel and Babylon). From there we explore the end time schema of God, and what has God proclaimed to happen in order for the kingdom of darkness to be overcome, and the Kingdom of Light to be established upon the earth.

Soon coming in print form

Eschatology 101

Eschatology 101 (PDF – to download, right click and ‘save as’)

In the midst of all of the hubbub and hoopla about the end times, what precisely has been declared by the word of God? I want to examine and explore concisely the very testimony of Scripture concerning the end times. It is upon the foundation of this “eschatology 101” that we can then begin to digest the various ideologies of dispensationalism, covenant theology, supersessionism, and other eschatological dogma. This book is to act as a primer on the subject of the end times, and from here we can begin to lay down some of the more difficult subjects of “the mystery of iniquity”, concepts of the millennium, the symbols in Revelation, etcetera.

NOTE: This book is a draft that I have tossed aside, and will not be published officially at any time. The quality is still worth the download, and the information will hopefully one day be put together in another writing project.

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